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Most Goals Conceded in Europe by Time Period

Published on Tuesday, Aug 7 2012 15:47
WhoScored details the teams to have conceded the most goals across Europe's top 5 leagues per 15 minute time period in the 2011/12 season

Comments (2)

  • Yeah Chelsea.. we have this running trend of losing defensive concentration late in the game. We move the ball very slow, struggling to break down well organised defences, who are so organised simply because they have time to go into their denfensive phase of play and get behind the ball and create few chances and it is pretty much inevitable that that 1-0 lead we had for so long in the game is about to slip away. Then for the last 10 minutes of the match we are pushing forward trying to score, while the other team either holds on, counter attacks or gets horribly unlucky not get at least a point.

  • Chelsea? Really?