Team Characteristics


+ Swindon's Strengths
Very Strong | |
Strong | |
Strong | |
Strong |
+ Accrington's Strengths
Very Strong | |
Very Strong | |
Very Strong | |
Strong | |
Strong | |
Strong | |
Strong |
- Swindon's Weaknesses
Weak | |
Weak | |
Very Weak | |
Very Weak | |
Very Weak |
- Accrington's Weaknesses
Weak | |
Weak | |
Weak | |
Weak | |
Weak | |
Weak |
Swindon's Style
Accrington's Style
* Strengths, weaknesses and styles are calculated from statistics of each player's latest two seasons
Match Forecast
Accrington will dominate in the air
Very Likely |
Accrington will score as a result of individual skill
Very Likely |
Swindon will score as a result of individual skill
Likely |
Accrington will stray offside often
Likely |
* Match forecast is generated from clashes in team characteristics. ...FYI. ritchie wellens has left swindon to manage salford. john sheridan is the new manager of swindon
@Foxeyrod This was an outdated preview with team news from the original match last month. The preview has since been deleted and will be updated shortly.
@BenMcAleer1 cheers ben