Match Summary

Freiburg VfB Stuttgart
Stole the ball often from the opposition
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from through balls
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from counter attacks
Were aggressive
Commited a high number of individual errors
Lost possession often
Attacked down the right side
Attacked down the left side
Attacked through the middle
Attacked through the middle
Favoured long balls
Dominated possession
Favoured short passing
Favoured through balls

Situational Report

Positional Report


VfB Stuttgart


VfB Stuttgart


VfB Stuttgart


VfB Stuttgart

  • Name:
  • Shirt Number:
  • Position:
  • Rating:

Comments (0)

  • some people voted for the victory of Freiburg here and I do not see their comments now. Do not delete it! nobody expects perfect predictions from you.

  • took only seven minutes for Stuttgart to score two goals ... I knew it, lol

  • Stuttgart not gonna lose here

  • @eqbalreza correct. never underestimate Stuttgart

  • 3-2