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Stats Comparison of Lampard & Gerrard Since the 2009/10 Season

Published on Monday, Sep 10 2012 16:56
A look at whether Lampard and Gerrard are too similar to play together for England looking at their stats from the last 4 Premier League seasons. Taken from the article "Are Lampard and Gerrard Too Similar?"

Comments (4)

  • Gerrard's playing in a worse team. He'd definitely have more assists if he'd been playing with Drogba all that time.

  • From 09/10. Seriously!? Did a Chelsea fan make this? Gerrard and Torres have 112 Goals in 117 Games between the two of them. That is amazing. Gerrard is in a worse team since Torres and Alonso left. If Lampard is so good, why were Chelski willing to pay millions for Gerrard? Gerrard > Lampard

  • Can we see the medal comparison for these years as well? ;)

  • Gerrard only comes out on top for passes and interceptions. Chelsea fans will love this!